Nipun Shah


Eager Beaver & Passionate Coder
Responsible & Reliable
I'm curious enough kindaa person, always esurient seeking knowledge. Apart from this I am dance athirst & also love to play table tennis


Vocab - Unique Words(1)

  1. vapid      : dull or uninteresting
  2. impavid  : fearless
  3. frill     : unnecessary extra features or embellishment
  4. berserk   : mad, crazy, insane, frenzied
  5. frenzied  : wildly excited or uncontrolled

  1. Nefarious  : wicked or underhanded, skullduggery
  2. Draconian  : severe and harsh ( related to laws or rules )
  3. ineffable  : too great / overwhelming to be expressed in words
  4. bonhomie  : friendliness, amicable
  5. Vexed   : irritated or annoyed

  1. scarf         : eat quickly & voraciously, scorff
  2. snarf         : eat or drink quickly
  3. Obliteration  : Complete Destruction, Annihilation
  4. plaintiff      : person who bring case against another
  5. snollygoster  : shrewd, unprincipled person

  1. vacillate      : be indecisive, dither
  2. arcane         : undertsand by few, mysterious, secret, hidden
  3. serendipity  : fortunate happenstance
  4. Fanfaronade  : trash talks, boasting, empty bragging
  5. Loquacious    : easily talkative