Nipun Shah


Eager Beaver & Passionate Coder
Responsible & Reliable
I'm curious enough kindaa person, always esurient seeking knowledge. Apart from this I am dance athirst & also love to play table tennis



Covid-Tracer (project)

Concept to grab - http, chopper

->   A mobile application (flutter), that displays statistics of covid, India.

Task-buddy (project)

Concept to grab - sqflite, moor

->    A mobile application (flutter), that simply tracks the completed or pending tasks. you can assign color label as per your own wish to tasks.

Stand-Store aka - shop app, (project)

Concept to grab - provider, multiple provider, proxy provider, changenotifier, state management, UI tips, animation, shared preferences

->    It is a shop app (flutter), with functionality of login, signup, cart, order, favorite, wishlist, etc.

CookAt aka - cusines app, (project)

Concept to grab - routing, theming

->   It is a food app (flutter), with functionality of meals screen, favorite meals, recipie details, steps, etc.

Expense Tracker (project)

Concept to grab - CRUD, responsive app, adaptive app

->    It is a simple tracker app (flutter), that tracks the expenses of last 7 days & display simple line graph for same.

Ghost (Applied CS with Android) (project)

Concept to grab - data science, binary search

->   Implemented an application using concept of binary search. It is a word game in which player takes turn adding individual letters to a growing word fragment, trying not to be the one to complete the valid word Native android application

Anagram (Applied CS with Android) (project)

Concept to grab - hashset, hashmap, native android

->   An anagram game is (native android) app. an anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word. user has to list out as many anagram as possible

Scarnes Dice (Applied CS with Android) (project)

Concept to grab - UI design, asynchronous programming

->   It’s a simple but amazing game, to kick off native android development. user vs computer taking turn by turn on several constraints of the game until either one wins.